Civic Club


(History taken verbatim from A Century in the Heartland: Max Centennial 1906-2006. Information is current to the publication date of that book.)

The Max Civic Club was organized as the Max Commercial Club September of 1906. In 1963 a new constitution and by-laws were drawn and the name of the Max Civic Club was adopted.

The purpose of the organization was to promote activities for the general welfare, not only for the city of Max but the community as well. Membership consists of business and professional persons, and anyone else who would be interested in Max. Membership of the organization has been 100 or more at times.

Some of the long term activities have been: Summer recreation program, including swimming lessons for youth, annual steak fry to raise funds for the summer recreation program and ambulance, Santa day, Pasta day, and many other events for the betterment of our community.

In 1975 the civic club sponsored the Community betterment program. This was a state wide competitive program for participating communities to demonstrate the various programs they have instituted for promoting and developing their community in their population class. Max placed in the top ten the first two years they participated and first the third year.

The Civic Club has also been in the development of road construction affecting Max particularly four-laning of Highway 83, paved road leading to communities east to Benedict, Ruso and beyond, and the mail and school bus routes around Max. The Civic Club also has been involved in energy, missile and coal development, impact on our city.

Present officers are Susan Moreno as president, Dan Haugen as vice president, Susan Halverson as secretary-treasurer and directors are Duane Schroeder, Ed Hauf, John McElwain and Joyce Malling.

Some excerpts taken from past secretary minutes:

June 8, 1953: An invitation was extended to Max to hold the 1954 4-H achievement days in Max.

January 30, 1954: resolution was drawn in support of natural gas pipeline contemplated by ND Natural gas transmission company. This lead to Max eventually receiving natural gas hookups.

December 30, 1954: a motion was made and carried that Max share in broadcasting reservation tournament Basketball tournament in Parshall. Max share would be $31.00.

April 12, 1954: 4-H achievement days would be held in Max on September 17-18.

November 8, 1954: motion to give honor roll to American Legion to remove and do as they please with it.

March 11, 1957: Discussion on putting a gate in the culvert crossing Highway 83 near Don's Standard Station, which would control the amount of water, allowed going west. The city council would appreciate the support of the civic club in asking the State Highway Department for such a gate. Motion made, second and carried.

At the meeting held on August 11, 1958, it was reported the highway dept denied this request.

Motion was made to inform the City council that the Civic Club meets on the second Monday of each month and their holding a council meeting at that time is not appreciated. Motion second and carried.

October 7, 1957: letter to be sent to the postal department in regard of closing the post office lobby at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday. This would cause an inconvenience as much of the mail is not distributed prior to 2:30 (Reported at March 10, 1958 meeting that the lobby would remain open.)

November 14, 1958: A farmer meeting is to be held December 2 when a Social Security representative from Bismarck will be present to discuss how social security will affect farmers.

October 1, 1960: A barbecue was held on October 1. A fine day with good food. Attendance was great with approximately 1,300 beef sandwiches were served and 20 gallons of nectar. Total cost $329.91.

May 9, 1960: Resolution drawn in regard to road leading east of Max to Benedict, Ruso, Butte, and beyond, to be hard surfaced. This is in regard to the heavy traffic usage namely Star Route, School bus routes, supplies and services to communities served as well as farmer traffic.

July 12, 1969: Motion was made to extend an invitation to McLean Electric to hold their annual meeting in 1970 in Max.

Straw votes were taken in regard to support a housing project in Max. 21 yes, 0 no (This led to establishing of Economy Homes, Inc.)

March 9, 1970: Housing project is being started. Memberships are needed. Fees are $15 payable now, and another $10 payable later if needed, (this was for the establishing the Economy Homes.)

August 11, 1970: It was announced that the 65th alumni reunion is to be held June 18, 19, and 20 of June 1971. Motion was made and second that the civic club help the alumni association in also sponsoring the 65th anniversary of the city of Max.

Oct 11, 1971: Decided to purchase Christmas light fixtures for a cost of $1265 payable over three years. Annual payment $421.

July 9, 1973: President Don Nett reported on a district ambulance service which operates in conjunction with the City of Garrison and is in financial need to provide service for this area and asked the Max Civic Club to help in some way to support it.